Publikationsliste Dennis Kollofrath


  • D. Kollofrath, M. Geppert, S. Polarz (2020): Copolymerization of Mesoporous Styrene‐Bridged Organosilica Nanoparticles with Functional Monomers for the Stimuli‐Responsive Remediation of WaterChemSusChem
    DOI: 020
  • Hermann, S., Wessig, M., Kollofrath, D., Gerigk, M., Hagedorn, K., Odendal, J. A., Hagner, M., Drechsler, M., Erler, P., Fonin, M., Maret, G., Polarz, S. (2017): Magneto-Adaptive Surfactants Showing Anti-Curie Behavior and Tunable Surface Tension as Porogens for Mesoporous Particles with 12-Fold SymmetryAngew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, 5475-5479
    DOI: 10.1002/anie.201612416